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Apr 21, 2024
In General Discussion
Join us on May 11th for the Beltane festival Tricia will be in booth 27, look for our brightly colored tent! The first people to stop in for healings & readings will receive a special gift! Click either image to get your tickets! $15 entry fee
Beltane May 11, 2024  content media
Feb 24, 2024
In General Discussion
Always remember that you are unique and one-of-a-kind, with your own special talents and qualities that make you stand out from others. So embrace your individuality and let your light shine bright! Don't give anyone the power to diminish your light!
Remember your Uniqueness  content media
Feb 22, 2024
In General Discussion
You have options for receiving your Energy Work and Healing Session. You can schedule an in-person session at Tricia's home in Mustang Mesa, Placitas, New Mexico. Whether you want a private personal psychic session or a relationship session with your significant other, the choice is yours!
Sessions in Person in Placitas, New Mexico content media
Dec 03, 2023
First Chakra- Where to find it and what's it all about? content media
Dec 03, 2023
In General Discussion
That's right, now when you book online, purchase affordable meditations and workshops you earn points! You can redeem your points at any time!
Check out the Loyalty Program at Energy Work and Healing content media
Sep 20, 2023
In General Discussion
If you have not had the experience of a immersive sound bath, here is your opportunity! I have had the opportunity to experience a sound bath with Kyle and Toby and it was mind and body blowing!
Sound Bath in Placitas New Mexico content media
Sep 06, 2023
In General Discussion
Thoughts create the emotions and when we realize that we have the capacity to separate our thoughts from our emotions we gain power over our lower chakras. Our lower chakras are 1-3 and keep us in our thoughts, feelings, beliefs. These three chakras become very heavy in our reality as they connect us to the "things" we think and feel. When you unlock the connection of your thoughts and feelings and dissect them from one another you get to know aspects of yourself. Like your own detective you can decifer why feelings and emotions get triggered by specific thought forms. Once you know the "why" you can begin to recognize it when it is triggered again, eventually to the point that each time you notice it, you will learn that at some point you will no longer have the need to connect the thought to the emotion. This allows you to gain knowledge of the self, awareness of the self and consciousness of who you are. As you begin to separate your thoughts from your emotions you can learn to regulate who you are through your heart and the upper chakras. By coming from the heart you settle into the experience and become the observer of that experience, not the reactor of the experience. You begin to notice as you get to know what makes you tick that specific thoughts and feelings will disempower you, making you feel heavy, solid, tired. These are your warning signals telling you that you are dwelling in your lower chakras. When you come from an empowered self you will see the serendipity, the connections, the teachings you can receive as you observe even the most delicate flower. You begin to ask yourself, "what is it that I can learn, experience and feel in this particulat moment in time?" Whether it is engaging with others, a pet, a rose, or the wind, you begin to recognize the lessons found within the world that you are dwelling in. Where do you get stuck in your life? Where can you break out of the disempowerment and bring in EMPOWERED energy?
Where are you losing Power? Where do you feel Empowered? content media
Jul 22, 2023
In General Discussion
By listening to the subtle body that dwells within your physical body you will learn how to see live through a new lens. Through reflection, observation, awareness of the world that lives outside the self you can gain a better understanding of the world that dwells within you. When we begin to follow our intuition our inner guidance system and live from the core center we can move through our life with more courage, certainty and capability to begin to follow and move through our heart center. Guiding our life from our heart rather than our personality (aka the ego). Begin to trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, walking on a path that has been designed just for you. That you are connected to the Earth you dwell upon. Use this vessel, this body as your vehicle that enables the spirit and the soul to learn, experience, grow and evolve! After all that is why we are here!
Your Body is Your Teacher content media
Jul 07, 2023
In General Discussion
Why is Cleaning your Chakras so important? Well we are energy before we are incarnated into the physical body, imagine, prior to this incarnation, you are a bright, illuminated ball of light. Free, light and clear. When you choose to come to Earth to experience, grow and evolve we are immersed in our mother's womb, where we transistion from light into and emolient darkness until we are ready to experience the full effects of gravity. By keeping our energy centers clean and clear we can move through life in a more conscious way, rather than from reaction. Now I am not saying not to react, not at all. Sometimes that is what we must experience in the moment. Everything that we think, feel, say or do is here to teach us, guide us and show us who we have chosen to be in this lifetime. By communicating with our own spirit and soul being through the use of the chakras we can assist our own transformation. This can be done on your own by connecting intuitively to each and every chakra, recognizing what you are holding onto so that you may clean it up and let it go, allowing those etherial wheels to spin clearly once again. You can also do with the assistance of a energy worker, someone who through their tools can assist and guide you as to what you are holding onto whether it is in the conscious mind or subconscious. The key is to clear them so that you are not coming into new experiences with energy that is holding onto elements that may cloud your judgement, lead to confusion. What are your thoughts? Have you tried to clean your chakras? How did it go? What did you get stuck on, what came easy to you?
Cleaning your Chakras content media
Jun 29, 2023
In General Discussion
Save the date for the Abq. Bruja Fest October 2023! Tricia will be offering in person readings and classes! Click the image above to see what's happening! You don't want to miss this event!
Join Tricia at the Albuquerque Bruja Fest October 2023 content media
May 29, 2023
In Questions & Answers
That's right one thought can shift your frequency, change your mood, raise your vibration! Whatever you want to call it, it is a shift in your energetic frequency. What is so amazing is that when you begin to realize that this shifting is meant to moving, you can train yourself to recreate who you are, what you chose to do in your life and do it in a way that serves YOUR Highest Good! Ask yourself: What am I holding onto? Why am I afraid of change? Why is it so hard for me to breakout of the unfamiliar? How can you overcome your habits, personality, strongholds & resistance?
Do you realize that one thought can shift your frequency! content media
May 25, 2023
In General Discussion
When we hold onto our perceptions of another person based on an experience, we have had with them, We actually perceive that they cannot change, they won’t change & that they are stuck within their personality, but we need to remember that everything on this planet is “constantly” in flux & change! We have to trust that they will evolve. As individuals we are constantly growing, evolving, learning and developing who we are. We only stay stuck in a persona if we are not flexible, pliable & open to new interpretations of self. Allowing that personality to define who we are, what we do and how we react to outside stimuli. Doing our best in a battle with ourselves to keep it locked into a particular program and filling ourselves with blocks, walls and bindings, because all in all we are resisting the change that is natural within us. If we realize that by just dropping the veil, the steel walls and other implants we have added to our armor & allow ourselves to be vulnerable, open to adapting & feeling change, we soon realize that there is nothing to fear. If the people around you are conscious and awake, they would understand that an experience they have had with you, in relationship with you, whether you are interacting with a partner, friend, stranger is just a moment within one another’s timeline. Relationships have been put in place for learning, they are needed for our evolution of the self. So how can you judge that individual on a single moment in one another’s timeline? Why hold onto it? How does it serve you to stick with that judgement of another individual? What are the other alternatives? To understand that we are all evolving, have compassion & understand that: Within an individual’s experience you were chosen to be the witness of their releasing of that particular expression of self. In essence, it had nothing to do with you, you were only the observer for that individual in that moment of space and time. Try to see something fresh and new in that individual, something you haven’t noticed before and express it to them or just think kind thoughts towards that person. They will receive the information either way through the ether. Don’t take things so personally. Yes, it may have happened to you, you were a participant, but perhaps within the moment of being the observer for another, you were actually the teacher for that individual, so that they could evolve. What a blessing!
Relationships & Why it is best not to hold onto Perceptions of Others content media
May 24, 2023
In General Discussion
Nature, the world around us is one of the most important teachers when working with our energetic space. Through observation of nature, we can stay in the present moment: Centered, Grounded & Aware By watching the movement of the wind, we can learn to release, move through and clear out our energetic space. We can observe how the tallest of flowers can withstand the wind and still shine their beauty outward in order to feed many flying wonders around us from the smallest of insects, to the birds, for ourselves who can receive their vibrational frequencies through colors, scents & resonance. Air shows us that we do not have to see what is around us to know that it is there. Just like our energetic bodies, it may not be visible to the naked eye, but it is more powerful, full of life and unlimited than the physical body ever could be. It defies gravity, time lines and space. The mountain and rocks are here to remind us of holding our ground at all times, yet be gentle enough to hold and nurture those around us and ourselves. To support one another on the mountain, creating a habitat that is healthy and sustainable. The water is here to teach us Flow, the Path of Least Resistance, Consistency, Drought and Unity. To just allow without holding onto, knowing the banks of a river will change constantly bringing new elements with it and that everything is in constant transition and change. Fire teaches us Respect, Honor, Reflection & Contemplation as we can become mesmerized by its flame. The flame when lit can be calm and still or rage on wreaking havoc on everything in its path, it can also burn out what is no longer serving its environment so that something new can grow from within. The same goes with every species on this planet. How do you use the elements in day-to-day life? The rose bush is a tool I share with many of my clients in order for them to keep walls, blocks, strongholds and bindings out of their energetic space. We are meant to be open to feeling, sensing, experiences without invasion from others (energy vampires, individuals trying to match our energy, becoming enmeshed with another’s energetic system) and the 12th chakra/12th auric layer is here to assist us with that. As I write this, I am observing a tiny little sparrow defending its energetic space from a hawk. This little sparrow is being fearless with a predator that is much larger than itself and with persistence the hawk just flew off. You are only as small as you think you are! Remember that! In nature, there are lessons in every moment of this life, embrace them all!   Don't forget to observe the little things in life, there is so much to learn in the subtleties
Learn through Observing Nature, One of Our Greatest Teachers content media
May 19, 2023
In General Discussion
So, if you know me well enough, I am a jumper, I do not wait for something to happen, for anything to come to me, I sort of know when it is time to JUMP! There is no holding back at those moments, no fear, no second guessing, I just punch the gas full throttle. It is exhilarating and freeing to just allow the flow to happen naturally! Are there any jumpers out there? If so what has been your experience? For me with each and every jump there has been increase! I am not speaking of material, but rather an increase of energy, life force, surety and much, much more!  By stepping sideways and moving out of my own way, there is growth abound! Is there something that keeps you from jumping? If so what is it?
Can you Jump into Experiences?  content media
May 17, 2023
In General Discussion
The energies of the system (society) tend to drop us into a lower vibration energy to the point where we are only getting by. Living life from a lower vibrational frequency then we are meant to be. This lower vibration is like being stuck in the mud. We may subconsciously give up on ourselves, by not living in our fullest potential. This can be by not caring about ourselves as much anymore, eating low vibrational foods, stopping exercise. An almost surrendering of what and who we are meant to be. As human beings in low vibration, we fall into complacency. When we are in this state, we become numb, distant, aloof. Not wanting to be seen or express the truest essence of who we are. It is your divine will that needs to kick in in order for you to dive back into the self you are meant to be. Every one of us is precious and we should be living our life with that remembering. Live your life with fullness, abundance and clarity as you move through each and every day. Never stop being who you are and striving. Now I am not saying go out and start training for a marathon across the world (unless you choose to!) but I am saying interact with nature and the world around you. Live this day as if it is your last and see the blessings, the gifts and the rewards you will receive just by showing up. Learn from the elements around you! Just observing an ant, a bird, a flower, the wind. The world is in constant ebb and flow of activity, colors change every second as the morning move towards evening. Reflect inward on yourself and comprehend that you are the common denominator in your life. I say this over and over, you are the actor, the director, screenwriter and editor. Make the changes you need for no one else but yourself. Unplug from the stagnant energy and push yourself towards YOU. Do this for Your Spirit and Your Soul. Be accountable for yourself. How on earth can you be a light to another if your light is so dimly lit that you cannot even shine for yourself? What are your challenges you face? What will ignite you to begin again? What do you feel is missing or what do you perceive you have lost? Write it down. To acknowledge it is the first step! Let's do this!
Live your Life Fully, Wake up from the Lower Vibrational Energies content media
May 16, 2023
In General Discussion
Easier said then done, but can you live authentically? Can you show up for yourself and the world they way that you are meant to be? Do you have the capacity to walk through your present lifetime honoring who you were fully meant to be? If not can you start today? By living an authentic life, you are open to all that is. The experiences, the challenges, the beauty of living on this planet in this current space and time and jumping in to yourself. Authenticity is to be you fearlessly to embrace the self, the spirit that chose to incarnate into this lifetime. To become the observer and witness the life fully and completely. To submerse yourself into this life, while staying present, aware and awake to the moments; right here and right now. In order to be authentic you have to be grounded into the present moment, free of distractions, yet full of observations. To see with your eyes wide open, sensing the world around you and realizing that you are the only one of you that is experiencing EVERYTHING that you are experiencing right now. For myself, authenticity slows me down a notch and as I do so I go inward with a focus that is located between my heart and my solar plexus. I make a distinctive choice to be what my Spirit and my Soul have chosen to be in this lifetime. By removing the veils, the personalities and being the one and only you there is you can except everything and everyone as only an experience. Through our experiences we learn more of our self and through this learning we can then decide to chose how to develop ourselves fully in this current construct. So many of us create conditions, behaviors, layers of personalities in order to protect ourselves, feel accepted by others, because we crave love, acceptance and valadation from outside sources. We pretend to be what we "perceive" others want us to be, we want to people please in order to fit in to a particular group. The thing is these facades create the false personality. This false aspect of self can get stuck when it is introduced into particular situations where it doesn't know how to react, so it starts to breakdown like a bunch of puzzle pieces falling to floor. That is when you feel scattered, disoriented and uncomfortable, because that thin veil is no longer there and you are exposed as your true self. Hallelujah! That is the first step to deciphering you! It is okay to be you, feel you, express you as you stand on this planet where you are right now. There is no need to try to blanket yourself for others. What are the difficulties if any that you face in becoming authentic? How do you suppress your Spirit? Your Soul? Have you worked on being authentic to yourself? What worked for you? What didn't? Let's evolve together and share our experiences so that we may all grow to become our authentic selves!
Living an Authentic Life, Removing the Veil content media
May 15, 2023
In Forum Basics / What to Know
Share your thoughts, feelings, questions and ideas. Through sharing we can all expand, grow and be open to others ideas, opinions, concepts and more! Let's make this a safe environment for everyone. Questions are encouraged and feedback is greatly appreciated! Let's Grow Together! Feel free to add GIFs, videos, hashtags and more to your posts and comments. Get started by commenting below.
Welcome to Energy Work and Healings Forum content media
May 15, 2023
In Forum Basics / What to Know
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: Respect each other Keep posts relevant to the forum topic No spamming Be respectful to one anothers thoughts and feelings if they differ from yours
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