Beliefs are the building blocks formed from our perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and experiences. They hold significant power in shaping how we interpret our lives. These beliefs are connected to old programming and conditioning, residing at the core of our subconscious mind. Often, we are not fully aware that they exist, guiding us on various journeys.
Beliefs can be categorized into three types:
1. Negative beliefs: These beliefs tend to keep us stuck and prevent us from moving forward, resulting in a low vibration.
2. Positive beliefs: These beliefs promote positive outcomes and thoughts, raising our vibration.
3. Neutral beliefs: These beliefs are neither positively nor negatively charged, leaving our vibration unchanged.
When you begin to recognize how your belief system fits into one of these categories, it's important to understand that before birth, you were already being influenced based on your mother’s feelings while you were in utero. Programming continued through caregivers, parents, siblings, teachers, and peers. In schools, on social media, and among colleagues, we are constantly exposed to external influences that shape what is deemed acceptable in our everyday lives.
Anything and anyone can alter our beliefs. Once you become aware that your belief system is constructed solely from your experiences, you can begin to make changes. Recognizing that these are learned behaviors means they can be modified.
We store all our experiences from this lifetime, as well as our past incarnations, in the eighth chakra to help us remember and learn what is acceptable and what is not. We reflect on how to have our needs met as children and how to feel safe in a world dominated by adults. Many of us had caregivers with distorted belief systems, which were passed down through generations. However, this does not mean you have to cling to those limiting beliefs.
These beliefs are often instilled through repetition. Understanding this is key to unlocking limiting beliefs and emotions. It is empowering to take a negative belief you have lived with for years and consciously choose to change it. After all, you are your own creator! By doing so, you can transform how you experience life, including your thoughts, experiences, and observations.
As we mature, we develop our own opinions and conclusions, building our unique set of beliefs through processing our thoughts. We may perceive situations in various ways before arriving at a final conclusion. The beauty of this process is that we have the opportunity to reshape our subconscious mind, shifting old belief systems and patterns to align with a new sense of self.
Going against mainstream society requires great courage. Living an authentic life based on your foundational beliefs may challenge your family and friends, depending on their own levels of self-development. However, the good news is that when we cultivate new beliefs, they tend to stick! Why is this? Because you created them; you programmed yourself! You made a choice to establish a new set of rules through your observations, emotions, and thoughts, and that becomes a fundamental aspect of your life moving forward.
You may not remember the programs and beliefs you adopted from your parents, caregivers, society, or peers. However, bringing these beliefs into consciousness is the first step toward change. Being aware that a limiting belief has a stronghold on you is crucial. It's a glitch in your system that prevents you from moving forward, keeping you trapped in a cycle of stagnation, limitation, sadness, and depression.
Deciphering what beliefs are truly yours and what belongs to others can be challenging, especially when you’re entangled with other people's energy in your life. Since childhood, you have absorbed information from your surroundings like a sponge, which has shaped your reality. Instead of taking huge leaps, focus on taking small steps. Congratulations on reaching this point in your life where you’re ready to make a change!
So, how can you evolve beyond limiting and negative beliefs? By changing your program! Start by identifying what these beliefs are and how they keep you stuck and suppress your true self. If you can alter your perspective on a thought and see it as a part of your lifelong toolkit, you will gain the capacity to make authentic changes in your belief system. You are just a step away from creating a personal set of beliefs that resonate with you!
We are meant to evolve through our experiences; the more information we receive, the more we learn about who we are and how we wish to develop. This helps us adapt and stop resisting the flow of life. We begin to understand that outdated beliefs can be changed. It’s time to prepare yourself to rewrite your program to fit your needs. You will start to feel lighter, more open, and receptive. Get ready to meet the world with a fresh perspective.
Let’s discuss how to get started. First, determine what beliefs you hold about yourself. Your list might look something like this:
- I am a good listener.
- I tend to be a people-pleaser.
- I can be judgmental of others.
- I feel I have to control my entire life.
- I love my job.
- I don’t feel safe in the world.
- I am scared to make changes in my life for fear of making a mistake.
Write down your list honestly without editing it. Remember, these are your beliefs, both positive and negative. Sugar-coating them will only lead to setbacks. Once you've completed your list, select one negative belief. For example, "I am scared to make changes in my life for fear of making a mistake."
Then, ask yourself a few questions:
1. How long has this belief kept me from living fully?
2. Where did I learn this belief? From whom?
3. Has this belief served any purpose in my life?
4. What would be different if I didn’t hold this belief?
5. What would I do differently?
6. Am I open to changing this belief?
Once you've answered these questions, recognize the limitations this belief has created and prepare to establish a new, positive belief to replace it. For instance, you could adopt the belief, "I embrace change in my life so that I may evolve and live my best life through new experiences."
Choose a positive belief that empowers and uplifts you, and feel good about yourself as you integrate this new truth into your psyche. This is your intention for yourself. Take a moment to sense how this belief feels in your body when you read, speak, and affirm it to yourself.
By adopting this new belief, you are sending a new message to your conscious mind and letting go of old programming that no longer serves you. Notice the positive vibrations in your body as you embrace this truth. I recommend starting with one belief at a time so you have a clear reference point. Once you master that belief to the point where you don’t have to consciously think about it—where it becomes a part of you like a mantra—then you can begin working on another. Allow yourself the time and patience to clear negative beliefs from your life so you can start living anew!
